
Solar Grants available in FL for qualified commercial businesses

Exciting NEWS for small businesses in FL - This is a limited funded program so get your questions and soon and see if you qualify. Great time to lower your electric bills!!

CLICK Here to learn more about SUNCATCHER PROGRAM
for FL

Through a g
rant from the Governor’s Energy Office, FlaSEREF’s SunCatcher Program provides its qualified partners with grants for solar water heaters, solar electric systems and solar pool heaters. While funding lasts, solar water heater installation grants are $50/1,000 BTU of production, $60/1,000 watts for PV, (solar electric systems) and $2,500 per solar pool heater installation. Qualified partners are hotels, restaurants and condominium associations....(all HOA's)

Due to the limited funding available for this program, all grant applications require pre-approval prior to the installation of the solar energy system. Failure to request prior approval will result in a denial of the application. Click on links below for additional information and grant application.

Bob Gentile Solar Energy Consultant with Abundant Energy Inc. 561.732.5181
Abundant Energy Inc. is Florida's leader in Solar Energy, celebrating 23 Years of Service.
**Solar Electric ( photovoltaic ) PV
Spin your FPL meter backwards.
**Solar Hot Water
Puts you on the road to FREE hot water forever.
**Solar Pool Heating
You can now have a warm swimming pool all year round.


Largest Solar Array in Southeast Powers Up in Orlando

Well next week is a big day for Sunny Florida :-) Congrats to Orange County Convention Center on GOING SOLAR!!


Largest Solar Array in Southeast Powers Up in Orlando May 20th

Central Florida Mayors, Senator Constantine, Others Kick Off Green Cities Florida With Historic Unveiling

05.14.2009 – ORLANDO, FL – Florida will solidify its position as a front-runner in sustainability next Wednesday morning with the unveiling of the Orange County Convention Center’s new one-megawatt photovoltaic (PV) system, the largest rooftop solar installation in the Southeast. Solar panels will span the length of five and a half football fields, generating 1,300 megawatt-hours of electricity per year - greatly reducing the center’s carbon footprint and electricity costs.

The new PV system was made possible by a $2,500,000 grant provided by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida Renewable Technologies Grant. Additional support for the project was provided by the OUC, EDC and US Dept of Energy bringing the total amount of funding to $8.8 Million.

SEE VIDEO HERE of Project here from FOX News


Bob Gentile Solar Energy Consultant with Abundant Energy Inc. 561.732.5181

Abundant Energy Inc. is Florida's leader in Solar Energy, celebrating 23 Years of Service.

**Solar Electric ( photovoltaic ) PV
Spin your FPL meter backwards.

**Solar Hot Water
Puts you on the road to FREE hot water forever.

**Solar Pool Heating
You can now have a warm swimming pool all year round.

Biggest rate increase ever by a FL utility company.

''Wow,'' said Charlie Beck of the Office of Public Counsel, which represents utility customers, when he heard the numbers. ``Wow. This is the biggest rate increase I have ever seen requested by a utility in Florida. This is really something.''
Customers of Florida Power & Light will pay a base rate of $12.40 a month more next year if the state approves the company's rate-hike request.
FPL's base rate is currently $39.31. If the request is granted, the base rate next year will be $51.71. That's a 31 percent increase.

Fpl rate increases - solar energy florida


In a press release, FPL estimated that customers will save about $5 a month overall starting Jan. 1, but that change included anticipated declines in fuel charges. The bill of a residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours a month would drop on Jan. 1 from $109.55 to $104.63, according to that estimate.

In a follow-up e-mail, Villafaña wrote that those numbers include an estimate from February that 2010 fuel prices will allow a bill reduction of $17.83 a month. ``Actual 2010 fuel costs could vary from this projection.''

Looks like it might be a good time to look into solar energy as an alternative to these never ending rate increases by FPL.


Bob Gentile Solar Energy Consultant with Abundant Energy Inc. 561.732.5181

Abundant Energy Inc. is Florida's leader in Solar Energy, celebrating 23 Years of Service.

**Solar Electric ( photovoltaic ) PV
Spin your FPL meter backwards.

**Solar Hot Water
Puts you on the road to FREE hot water forever.

**Solar Pool Heating
You can now have a warm swimming pool all year round.


Solar Hot Water for homes saves thousands $$$ over the years!

More Realtor are now recommending home owners to invest in a Solar Hot Water System (SHW), especially here in Sunny Florida.

A house with SHW separates the listings in the neighborhood because the agent can proudly say "This House has FREE hot water"

Separate yourself from the other Realtors that say "Well you need to paint the walls and get new carpet and upgrade some appliances" YES they are all good generic suggestions but BE Different, BE Unique. BE the Realtor that says to potential buyers : "THIS House here has FREE HOT WATER" by recommending a Solar Hot Water System.
Electric bills are forever increasing and an issue/concern for many homeowners... Now you can show them a solution NOT just talk about the problem.
Recommend that they part ways from that "ENERGY HOG" called the "Electric" Hot Water tank and move over to a Solar Hot Water system... The new owner will save $70-$90 per month immediately ($80 avg. x 12 months = $960 x 5 years is almost $5000 SAVINGS and that doesn't factor in any Electric Utilities increases, so it's actually way over $5000 and probably closer to a $6000 Savings :-)
So whether you clients are selling or just moved into a new home make this simple recommendation to them:
When you invest in a Solar Hot Water System it puts you on the road to FREE Hot Water with a payback of 2 - 3 years and we all know how fast the years go bye....bye :-(

The Benefits to you:
  • Reduce your energy bills by 30%
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Make a difference by helping to reduce greenhouse emissions by reducing your dependency on your electric or gas water heater
  • Add Value to your home and if you sell your home, It's Nice to say "THIS HOUSE has FREE Hot Water". A way better upgrade then new carpet & fresh paint, even though that helps as well.
  • Avg $10 INCREASED Market Value per dollar saved is the Value added according to the HUD appraisal journal
  • Extends the expected life of your residential hot water tank.
  • Qualifies for the 30% Federal Tax Credits
A Solar Hot Water System from Abundant Energy, Inc. is a great way you can offset the never ending increases. An average savings with Solar Hot Water per month is $70-$90, your payback is 2-3 years.
After that you can say “I have FREE Hot water”

Solar Hot Water Florida Palm Broward
For more info. about Solar Hot Water contact Bob Gentile 561.732.5181 from Abundant Energy, Inc. Find out if Solar makes sense for your home or not