
Sunshine "rising" State towards clean energy & it's time!!

Florida could create more than 120,000 new jobs by investing in clean energy.

Gov. Charlie Crist last year launched Florida's efforts to control carbon. He called for the state's utilities to get 20 percent of their electricity from renewable energy by 2020 and proposed a carbon cap-and-trade system to reduce the state's greenhouse gas emissions.

Obama's energy proposals

• Help create 5-million new jobs by investing $150-billion over the next 10 years to boost private efforts to increase clean-energy production.

• Within 10 years, save more oil than the United States currently imports from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.

• Put 1-million plug-in hybrid cars — cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon — on the road by 2015.

• Ensure 10 percent of the country's electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.

• Implement an economywide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.

Bob Gentile Solar Energy Consultant with Abundant Energy Inc. www.Solar-FL.com


No you did not say it's a NO Brainer?!! Did you?

Is what I said to the prospect during my Presentation last week...

He said "Yup Bob this is a NO Brainer" Well being that the customer is always right, I agreed with him :-) as we set up an installation date.

(Below is what we went over as I was breaking down the investment of a Solar Hot Water System)

Now I believe as a Solar Energy Consultant for Abundant Energy, Inc. that Solar Hot Water is one of the VERY best ways to lower your electric bill. I believe it truly is a "No Brainer" for many homes in FL, not all but for a large majority. So while I will never say that directly to the prospect, it's really nice to hear them say "It's a No Brainer Bob" :-) (hence the reason for this post)

I Hope the information below at least gives you some more insight on the benefits of a Solar Hot Water System and why many Floridians are moving towards FREE Hot Water "CLEAN Sunshine Energy" every day.

Solar Hot Water collector on a Palm Beach County Home


How can I pocket up to $16,200 over the next 20 years?

The $16,200 is an estimate using the current information we have collected from government sites. This is not a promise and might not apply in your particular circumstances.

How did we calculate that?

The yearly electricity avg. savings are between $600 and $960 - (monthly $50 - $80 (Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources).

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates the life of a solar hot water system to be between 15 and 20 years.

So in an ideal scenario, you could save $960 per year x 20 years, which is $19,200. We can install a solar hot water system on avg. $2,000 - $3,000 (after rebates and depending on your location and needs). Deducting the roughly $3,000 off the $19,200 leaves a potential profit of $16,200.

How else could you calculate it?

As you can see this calculation is the ideal scenario. Assuming that only $600 are saved per year ($50 per month) and the system lasts 15 years, the total savings would be $9,000. There are systems that might cost around $4,000 fully installed (again after rebates). Only a profit of $5,000.

So this scenario is not as profitable. What we have NOT considered is the NEVER ENDING rising
electricity prices. (FPL latest increases total 19% from August, 2008 to January 2009). So obviously your profits will be higher.

Thinking further

However, even in this most negative scenario, you are still better off getting a solar hot water system than not doing anything - just financially. Taking the environmental impacts into account: 3,000 kg of CO2 saved each year (25% of household greenhouse co2 emissions) makes it an excellent proposition and good example for kids & grand-kids.

How long does a Solar Water Heater last?

No one can give an exact estimate of how long a solar water heater lasts. Just the same as for any other technical appliance.

However, here is what the Environmental Protection Agency says about solar water heater lifespans:

“A solar hot water system normally lasts 15 to 20 years, which is up to double the life of an electric system. They are a well-proven product and have experienced substantial development over the past decade, with newer models expected to last even longer.”

According to Sue Roaf, author of “The Ecohouse 2 - A Design Guide” (Architectural Press, 2003) writes:
“A good liquid solar collector should have a life expectancy of 20-30 years. Most of the collectors built since 1980 are manufactured with materials that should give a 30-50 year lifespan.”

What follows is that the tank might need replacement before the collectors. As they are two separate pieces only connected by plumbing, it is quite simple to do that.

The owner from Abundant Energy Inc. is going on his 18th year of his Solar
Hot Water
System. Yes, That's a lot of FREE Hot Water.
For more info. about Solar Hot Water contact Bob Gentile 561.732.5181 from Abundant Energy, Inc. Find out if a Solar Energy System makes sense for your home and or business.