
Sunshine "rising" State towards clean energy & it's time!!

Florida could create more than 120,000 new jobs by investing in clean energy.

Gov. Charlie Crist last year launched Florida's efforts to control carbon. He called for the state's utilities to get 20 percent of their electricity from renewable energy by 2020 and proposed a carbon cap-and-trade system to reduce the state's greenhouse gas emissions.

Obama's energy proposals

• Help create 5-million new jobs by investing $150-billion over the next 10 years to boost private efforts to increase clean-energy production.

• Within 10 years, save more oil than the United States currently imports from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.

• Put 1-million plug-in hybrid cars — cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon — on the road by 2015.

• Ensure 10 percent of the country's electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.

• Implement an economywide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.

Bob Gentile Solar Energy Consultant with Abundant Energy Inc. www.Solar-FL.com