Sunday - Tampa Bay Online
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Published: August 23, 2008


After reading a deluge of letters devoted to solving our energy crisis by drilling in the gulf, I am amazed that the obvious is being missed.

The idea of drilling as a panacea is a misconception. We cannot solve our energy crisis in this way because of our free market system. China and India are just revving up their economies and they will pay more for oil.

No the answer is under our noses and always has been: Solar water heaters and energy-generating systems.

What do solar water heaters have to do with our car driving? Just think about this.

We use as much oil producing energy for home use as we import for gasoline – roughly 40 percent.

So if we were to replace our energy use for homes with renewable resources it would better impact our future demand on oil.

Further gains could be made with moving up mpg requirements on vehicles sold in the United States.

This could easily be met with hybrid mandates on automobiles and trucks.

Third-generation hybrid technology – used in the Toyota Prius – could be shared with U.S. automakers from the Japanese in exchange for the new ion-battery car coming in 2010.

I have a Prius and solar water heater. Both costs will be recovered in three years.

Mike Maio
Port Richey